Review: A Not So Fictional Fall by Savannah Scott

I love Savannah Scott novels and I am having so much fun reading her backlist of books. These are clean and sweet romcoms full of friends, family, and characters who communicate with each other.

I loved the way Pierre and Tasha met! It was a bit of an awkward meet cute for them, but was so perfect, too. These two connected more as friends first, even as Tasha was awed at first by the fact that Pierre was really the author of her very favorite books…books that were under the pen name of Amelie De Pierre!

Their entrance into a fake marriage, a marriage of convenience, made sense for the setting. I liked that they entered it as friends and that they truly cared for each other as they made the decision to go forward with the plan.

The way their attraction and love grew for each other was super swoony, as were their kisses! Savannah Scott knows how to bring the romance while also keeping that romance limited to kisses. The desire for more was there, but handled in wonderful ways.

I loved the morning after the wedding day, with Tasha and Pierre and his sisters! Oh boy, I was laughing out loud. No spoilers, but it was such a fun and funny moment! I loved this book from start to finish and loved that there was also a bonus epilogue available.

(5 stars)


I live for happily ever afters.
And I’m finally meeting my favorite romance author in person!

Only, all this time, I thought author, Amelie De Pierre, was a woman.

It turns out, Pierre Toussaint is the man behind the books that make me weak in the knees.
He could be the consummate book boyfriend with his dreamy hazel eyes, strong jawline, and those black-rimmed glasses. Not to mention that accent. Oh, that French accent. When Pierre speaks, I feel like I’m curled in his arms on a riverbank being fed chocolate-dipped strawberries.

Not Pierre’s arms, of course. We barely just met. And I’m just me. And he’s Pierre, internationally renowned romance author.

Seeing Pierre in person has me stammering and blushing—two things I don’t usually do.

Imagine my surprise when I receive a call a few weeks after meeting Pierre—from his agent—proposing marriage. Not that I’d marry his agent.

They want me to marry Pierre.




Savannah Scott loves writing happily-ever-after romcoms with scenes where kisses make you melt. Her characters feel like long lost friends, and the settings make you want to take off on a road trip to visit. You will smile. You will laugh. Yes. You will need coffee because you stayed up past your bedtime reading. Sorry, not sorry. If you can’t find Savannah, she’s probably hiding with a book, dancing Zumba, or going a little crazy being the fun carpool mom who cranks the tunes and always goes through the drive-thru for copious amounts of sugar and fat on the way home from school. (Can you keep a secret? I thought so. Savannah also writes as Patty H Scott, which is the Clark Kent to her Superman. If you like clean romance, check out Patty’s books.)


About Brittany

As a homeschooling mom and avid reader, I get great joy through reading and reviewing books. I focus my reading and my reviews on Christian fiction, primarily Christian romantic fiction. I also review sweet, clean fiction. I hope you will find my reviews helpful in your decisions on what books to read.
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