About Me

I am an avid reader, have been for as long as I can remember. As a homeschooling mother of four children, I must make time in my day for reading. It is my relaxation. My favorite books are Christian romance novels. I love books set in any time period.





13 Responses to About Me

  1. booklovers1 says:

    Hi- I love your blog!!! I also love christian romance fiction. In fact that is all I basically read πŸ™‚ Hope to see more reviews soon. God Bless!

  2. booklovers1 says:

    I am excited to let you know that I have nominated you for the Liebster Award!!! You can find out more information by following the link to my post: http://booklovers1.wordpress.com/2013/08/20/ive-been-nominated-for-the-liebster-award/

  3. JCMorrows says:


    I have nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award!


    You can read more about this in the post below:
    http://homeschoolmommusings.wordpress.com/2013/12/10/wow-a-blog-award-how-exciting (It will be up as soon as I can find 5 more blogs) πŸ˜‰

    God Bless You!

    • Brittany says:

      Thanks for nominating me! That was so nice of you. I will try to do the same in nominating others. Just so busy right now (of course, I know that most are), that I am not sure when I can get it done. But thanks again!

  4. booklovers1 says:

    Congratulations! I have just nominated you for the Most Uplifting Blogger Award! – http://booklovers1.wordpress.com/2013/12/18/ive-been-nominated-most-uplifting-blogger-award/ I have really appreciated reading your book reviews and having you part of my community! I look forward to many more book reviews…..

  5. Virginia says:

    Hi! I’ve nominated your blog for the Sunflower Blogger Award! My post:

    I’ve been nominated for The Sunflower Blogger Award!!

    Thank you so much for dedicating your time to make your blog be an inspiring and encouraging tool in my life! You’re my hero! Faithful follower! Stay blessed! -Virginia Esther. πŸ™‚

  6. AlegnaB says:


    I’m also a homeschooling mom with four children. I’m in my 18th official year of homeschooling. Since my youngest child is in 7th grade, I have a few more years to go. My two oldest children are in college.

    I got here from Goodreads. I read and listen to a lot of Christian romance. I prefer historical fiction. I also read quite a bit of non-fiction. I read some secular fiction, too. This school year I’m trying to read most of the books I’m assigning to my kids for history.


  7. Patty Kovach says:

    Hello, I just recently “found” You and this blog through a friend of mine. I am new to blogging, if that is even a word? HA! I loved tour review on Vannetta Chapman’s new book, Anna’s Healing. I read one of her books recently and am hooked! I love all Christian mysteries and romance, especially the Amish ones. I am a 13 year cancer “survivor” and am going through chemotherapy presently. I have only been in remission twice, but, I am a fighter! I love to read and like you, have been reading as far back as I can remember. I am 58 years old. I take my books to my Chemotherapy appointments, read at home, and a very good friend and I send each other the books after we read them. As far as I am concerned, the Christian authors are the best writers. Have a great day. Patty Kovach (Ohio)

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