Sincerely Yours Giveaway – Blogaversary Celebration Continues!


Today’s giveaway is a copy of Sincerely Yours: A Novella Collection!

I recently read and reviewed this wonderful set of novellas and really enjoyed it. To read my review, click here.

Optional comment question: These novellas are all connected with letter writing. I used to have pen pals growing up. Did you ever have pen pals?

To enter the giveaway (US only due to shipping costs):
1) Comment on the blog
2) make sure I have your email
3) follow my blog
4) Giveaway will run from 4/10/14 – 4/14/14. Winner will be chosen on 4/15/14 and announced on my blog as well as emailed. Winner will have a week to respond before another winner is chosen.

About Brittany

As a homeschooling mom and avid reader, I get great joy through reading and reviewing books. I focus my reading and my reviews on Christian fiction, primarily Christian romantic fiction. I also review sweet, clean fiction. I hope you will find my reviews helpful in your decisions on what books to read.
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38 Responses to Sincerely Yours Giveaway – Blogaversary Celebration Continues!

  1. Rachel Stark says:

    Oh my! I haven’t thought about this in YEARS …lol… but I had a pen pal for a very short period of time when I was a young teen. It was pretty cool. 😀
    I followed your blog. Thanks for they giveaway!
    My email is smileytwin10{at}gmail{dot}com.

  2. Gail Hollingsworth says:

    I had a pen pal from Japan for a few years. It was very interesting to receive letters and pictures from her and learn about a different culture from mine. I even learned a word or two of Japanese. I forgot to put my email on my post yesterday. I follow your blog, of course and I love reading Christian fiction. tumcsec(at)gmail(dot)com. Arigata!

    • Gail Hollingsworth says:

      ありがとう. Arigato. Thank you in Japanese….. Misspelled it above. It’s been a while!

      • Brittany says:

        That’s great! I had a pen pal in Japan when I was a kid, too. We were actually friends here in the US when her family lived here for a couple of years, then we kept in touch after that through letters when she moved back.

  3. ELIZA ELLIOT says:

    I had a pen pal as a young kid – I am still friends with them but we email occasionally now. =) truckredford(at)gmail(Dot)Com

  4. Beth says:

    My friend & I would occasionally write letters back and for a while because we thought it was fun to receive letters, but we saw each other every day, so it wasn’t really a pen pal situation 😉

  5. Wilani Wahl says:


    I didn’t have a pen pal as such but as a teen I wrote to missionaries in Brazil. I miss not keeping in touch with friends through letters. It seems we have become a world who is too busy to write letters. I have not read this book yet, but it is on my wish list. I hope you are doing well.

    wwchildren at gmail dot com

    • Brittany says:

      Hi Wilani!
      I completely agree with you! My kids write letters with a couple of their friends and it means so much when they get a letter in the mail. But it is definitely a rarity nowadays!

  6. Savurbks says:

    I did have pen pals growing up and still today I love to send and receive cards!! Again, congratulations on your Blogging year! (I am a follower)

  7. Janet says:

    Ahhhh cards, I have lots of cards since my mom passed away. I have been sending cards with a sticker saying they are from her collection. people seem to appreciate them.

  8. Sheri says:

    I have never had a pen pal, but I think the idea is fantastic! This group of novellas sounds great and I love books that have letters/journals as part of the storyline. The cover on this book is beautiful!

    hspruitt at frontier net {doT]net

  9. Laura Pol says:

    I had a few pen pals when I was very young, but I know it didn’t last long! I wasn’t encouraged to have one except at school which is where I wrote any of the pen pals! This sounds like a good novella collection! Thanks for the giveaway and happy blogaversary! 🙂
    sylvesternator AT yahoo DOT com

  10. Rayleigh Ann says:

    I have had a pen pal most of my young life! She is a very dear friend to me and I love writing her, only now, we have upgraded to emails…. I follow your blog through WordPress and my email is ragdogs(at)hotmail(dot)com

  11. Melanie Backus says:

    I did have pen pals growing up. I always loved writing letters (and still do) and getting mail (and still do) so it was always fun for me. Thank you for the giveaway.

    mauback55 at gmail dot com

  12. I had a pen pal years ago Now I write Birthday and encouragement cards to people
    God bless you

  13. Hannah Peasha says:

    I used to have a penpal when I was 12.
    Thanks for the giveaway! And Happy blogaversary!

  14. Merry says:

    Yes I used to have pen pals growing up. Some were from summer bible camp and others were girls I met in the hospital when we all had the same kind of back surgery. I am still friends with one of the back surgery girls and we still write letters to each other! Happy Blogaversary Brittany!

  15. I wrote to a friend who had moved for a while, still friends. Happy blogaversary!

  16. Jane Squires says:

    I would love to win and review this. Then I share with someone else. I had a pen pal so many years ago – I think I was young adult – in 20s.

  17. Kelly O. says:

    I had a few pen pals through school but we didn’t stay in touch. I do think it is a fun idea! kosterbind (at) gmail (dot) com

  18. Pam K. says:

    I follow your blog.
    I did have a pen pal when I was a girl. I’m not sure how old I was, maybe a young teen. She was the daughter of one of my mom’s friends. We rarely saw each other (she lived in Texas, I in Kansas) but for a year or so, we wrote letters. I have no idea where she is now. It was fun while it lasted.
    Jane Kirkpatrick is one of my favorite authors so I’d love to win this book. Thanks for the chance.

  19. Bonnie Roof says:

    Hi, Brittany!!

    I love the story line idea behind “Sincerely Yours”! Thanks for the opportunity to win a copy!!

    I never did have a pen pal, but sure enjoy corresponding by e-mail and cards – now!!

    I am a follower of your blog!!


  20. I did through a children’s magazine ~*Playmate*~ she was one day younger than me. Her family moved and I didn’t have a further contact. I follow your blog! Fun to get real people letters and cards in the mail, instead of “due-me” envelopes. Would love to win! Kathleen ~ Lane Hill House lanehillhouse[at]centurylink[dot]net

  21. Hello Britt. I had some ladies from different states who were pen pals . Found their names in a good magazine that I had a subscription for a long time. Was fun to learn about each other and places they lived. One lived on an island. Really enjoyed getting letters in my mail box. I follower you by email and am commenting. I have been hoping to win this book. Sounds good. Thanks for a chance to win it. Maxie mac262(at)me(dot)com

  22. Nancy M says:

    I tried to have a pen pal once it never grew into anything. I was bummed. I always thought it would be so neat to have one. This book looks really good. So glad someone recommended your blog. Thanks!

  23. susanmsj says:

    Again, happy blogaversary. I did have a pen pal growing up, but it didn’t last long. Thank you for a chance to win a copy of this book. I follow your blog.
    susanmsj at msn dot com

  24. mandey384 says:

    I had a couple pen pals growing up. One from Ohio and one from the Philippines.

  25. Becky B says:

    I had a pen pal from India. I really enjoyed hearing about her life.
    I follow your blog by email. Thanks so much!

  26. Amy says:

    Oh I was penpals with my cousin who lived on the other side of the country when I was growing u… Now we keep in touch on Facebook! 🙂

  27. Such a pretty cover
    Would love to win it.

  28. kellysshining says:

    I had pen pals when I was a teenager. It was a lot of fun getting to know another kid my age from another state. I wish adults did pen pals. 🙂 Thank you for this giveaway. It looks like a great read, and I definitely like the concept.


  29. Merry says:

    I had pen pal’s when I was growing up, usually friends I made at camp or on vacation.
    I’m a follower/subscriber.
    worthy2bpraised at gmail dot com

  30. lib1lady says:

    Thanks for entering me in your giveaway. I would love to win this book to give to my church library.

  31. susanlulu2013 says:

    Yes, I had many, many penpals when I was growing up. I even had one in Japan and France. Even now, I make sure my 3rd grade class has penpals. It’s such a great thing to connect with people you don’t know.

  32. Merry says:

    oops forgot to say in my other post that I follow your bog as an e mail subscriber

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