Giveaway – Operation Zulu Redemption by Ronie Kendig

Operation Zulu


They never should’ve existed. Now they don’t.

 Zulu, the first all-female special ops team was set up to take a devastating fall. Fearing for their lives, Zulu members vanished with new identities. Isolated and haunted by their past, they are terrified of being discovered.

Over the years, the brave women of Zulu have begun to hope they might be safe and the terrible tragedy forgotten.

Until two of them are murdered.


Ronie Kendig is giving away a paperback copy of Operation Zulu Redemption!

(US addresses only due to shipping costs)

To enter:

Comment on this blog post: Have you read any other books by Ronie Kendig? Do you have a favorite?

To earn extra entries you can follow my blog (or already be a follower) AND you an even earn another entry by sharing about this giveaway.  (Don’t forget to let me know you have followed and shared).

Contest begins on 7/15/16 and ends on 7/20/16. Winner will receive an email and will be announced on the blog.

About Brittany

As a homeschooling mom and avid reader, I get great joy through reading and reviewing books. I focus my reading and my reviews on Christian fiction, primarily Christian romantic fiction. I also review sweet, clean fiction. I hope you will find my reviews helpful in your decisions on what books to read.
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30 Responses to Giveaway – Operation Zulu Redemption by Ronie Kendig

  1. Caitlyn Santi says:

    I’ve read two book by Ronie. Dead Reckoning and Trinity. My favorite was Trinity!

    Thanks for the giveaway! 😀

  2. I have to read any of Ronie’s books but I have one in my TBR pile. Thanks for the giveaway!

  3. Aerykah says:

    I have read several (13-14?) of Ronie’s books. She’s a really good author! 😀 I think my favorite is “Beowulf”.
    Thanks for the giveaway! 🙂

  4. Rachael K says:

    I have not read any of her books, though I know people who love them. Figure it’s about time to give them a try!

  5. Angie Carroll says:

    I have not read any of her books.

  6. Loraine N. says:

    Oh I am so excited that this book is out in hard form! I loved Ronie’s Discarded Heroes series. ‘Firethorn’ was my favorite. Thanks for the giveaway Britt!

    I’m a follower of your blog and I’ve shared about your giveaway on Pinterest, Facebook, and Twitter.

  7. Melanie Backus says:

    I have not read any of Ronie’s books but I sure need to start! I am a follower! Thank you for the opportunity.

  8. I have not read any of Ronie’s books, but would love to. I am a follower. Thank you. God bless.

  9. Raechel says:

    I’ve only read one – “Raptor 6” – but would love the chance to read more. 🙂
    Thanks for this giveaway!

  10. KayM says:

    I’ve read Ronie’s A Breed Apart Series, which are all great reads. Probably the third one, Beowulf, was my favorite, but I really liked them all. (I am a follower of your blog and I shared on Pinterest).

  11. Susie says:

    Ronie’s A Breed Apart series is a great series and my favorite is Beowulf. I am also a follower of your blog. Thanks for a chance to win the giveaway!

  12. Patti Hansen says:

    This is a new author for me. I am excited to read something new.

  13. +1 I haven’t read any of Ronie’s books except the first part of Operation Zulu! I want to read her fantasy Embers though! My mom has read several of Ronie’s military romantic suspense and loves them. Thanks for the chance to win!

    +1 Follower via email subscription

    +1 Tweeted:

  14. Lis K says:

    I really enjoyed the “A Breed Apart” series.
    I follow your blog.
    I pinned this on Pinterest:

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  15. carylkane says:

    Hey Britt, I’ve not read Ronie’s books. I hear they are incredible.
    I follow your blog – psalm103and138 at gmail dot com

  16. I haven’t had a chance to read any of Ronie’s books yet, but I’m moving them up on my reading bucket list!!

  17. Katie says:

    My favorite is Trinity!

  18. Mara Mittelman says:

    I can say I have loved every one of Ms. Kendig’s books. I do not have a favorite…yet. I would love to win this. But congrats to who ever does win.

  19. Connie H says:

    I love Ronie Kendig, and really loved Raptor 6…I follow you now and will share this post…thanks for the giveaway!

  20. Bettie R. says:

    I really enjoyed the forgotten heroes series. But then I have enjoyed all of Ronie’s books.

  21. mommy020305 says:

    I have read a couple of Ronie’s books. I don’t really have a favorite

  22. Dana says:

    I have read and enjoyed several of Ronie’s books. It is hard to choose a favorite. If I had to choose a favorite, it would probably be Wolfsbane.

  23. Brenda Sledd says:

    I love reading Ronie’s books, can’t pick a favorite, like them all.yy

  24. Tammy Kindig says:

    I have the Talon series and loved reading Raptor 6…I am a follower and will share this post as well.

  25. Mak Norris says:

    I haven’t read any, but I really want to! 🙂

  26. mo1202007 says:

    I don’t think I could pick a favorite, but I have read and loved her discarded heroes and a breed apart series. I loved them!

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