Best of 2013 Blog Tour & Reader’s Choice Giveaway!

For a book lover like me, this was a hard list to make. There are so many books that I have enjoyed over the past year! I decided, in order to limit myself and not go overboard, to fashion my list from only trade paperbacks that were published in 2013. (I want to make the disclaimer that there were a handful of Love Inspired/Heartsong Presents books that would have made the list otherwise, and six books published in 2012 or earlier, that I read this year and loved).

So, without further ado…here are my Top 13 of 2013!

Read through this post and then look below for details on the giveaway.

My Favorite Books Published in 2013
(in no particular order)

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As I was drifting off to sleep last night, I was frustrated because there was one more book that I really wanted to add to my list but my “Top 13 of 2013” didn’t seem like it would work with a 14th book! Until I woke up this morning and one of my fellow commenters also mentioned this book. I knew I really must add it! So, here it goes…
It is the “And one to grow on…as we enter 2014”.
And now for the giveaway! I want to bless one commenter with one of these books. He or she will have their choice of any one of the above books! You can comment on my blog post from 12/31/13 till 1/6/14. US residents only please. If you are chosen as the winner, you will be emailed (make sure you include your email in your comment) and will have 3 days to respond. If no response is received, I will draw a new winner. Winner can choose one ebook or paperback copy of any of the above novels.


1) Please follow my blog

2) Comment with your name & email (in anti-spam format)

3) If chosen, please respond within 3 days

4) US residents only (I apologize to my friends outside of the US)

Also, be sure to check out the other blogs participating in this blog tour by clicking below.

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About Brittany

As a homeschooling mom and avid reader, I get great joy through reading and reviewing books. I focus my reading and my reviews on Christian fiction, primarily Christian romantic fiction. I also review sweet, clean fiction. I hope you will find my reviews helpful in your decisions on what books to read.
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96 Responses to Best of 2013 Blog Tour & Reader’s Choice Giveaway!

  1. Jane Squires says:

    I love the books on that list. I would love to win, read and review every one of them. Also then share them with someone else.
    jrs362 at Hotmail dot co

  2. love to read a lot of these writers. Thanks for the give aways

  3. Janet says:

    There are some great books on your list, I think you and I could be reading buddies. I have read a few of these but not all.

  4. Once Upon a Prince paperback copy for me should I win!! I am a follower of your blog and get an e-mail notice when you post! Blessed New 2014! Kathleen ~ Lane Hill House

  5. carolee888 says:

    I would love to win A Wedding for Julia by Vanetta Chapman. I love Amish fiction and she is one of my most favorite authors! I follow your blog by e-mila. Happy New Year to You and Your Family!


  6. faithful acres homestead says:

    Oh Jody, you make this a hard choice…not really, if I win I would love to copy of The Noble Groom ! Signed please ! I see many of the ones I would pick as tops and many I have here too, but I dont have a copy of your book here to add to my collection ! Happy and Blessed New Year Sis !
    Much Love
    Linda Finn

  7. Melanie Backus says:

    I am going to go with A Wedding for Julia, although I would be thrilled to win any of these wonderful books. I always say “good Authors write good books!” I am a follower of your blog through email and this Texas girl just loves to read. Thank you for what you do and Happy New Year to you and your family.

    mauback55 at gmail dot com

  8. Marianne says:

    You and I share the same passion for many of the same books! I would LOVE to win either Joanne Bischof’s newest novel or Judy Hedlund’s newest. Neither one of them is in our local library!

  9. lorlyn63 says:

    Thank you for such a fun giveaway! There are many good books to pick from and it is a tough decision, but I believe I would love to win a copy of Burning Sky by Lori Denton – always had an interest in Native American history and love their art/jewelry! Thank you for this opportunity and wishing you a blessed 2014!

    (I am following your blog)

  10. patty says:

    I’ve read 5 of the books on your list and have several of the others but would love a copy of one of the others.

  11. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway! Several of those books were on my favorites list as well. 🙂

    grace dot olson dot 5973 at gmail dot com

  12. Sheri says:

    Wow…what a great list of books!! I still need to read some of these…

  13. kpieczyn says:

    I haven’t read any of the books listed above, but many are on my “to read” list. kowalskikd at gmail dot com.

  14. Jasmine A. says:

    What a lovely idea for a giveaway!
    Happy New Year!
    Jasmine A.

  15. I agree with Jasmine, what a lovely idea for a giveaway! I have read several of your favorites and I loved them too. Some I haven’t read, so if I win, it will be hard to pick, but I think I have one in mind that I would choose. Whoever wins will be in for a treat with any of these books!
    Thanks for this giveaway!
    Debbie Lester

  16. danipettrey says:

    Honored to be on your list. Thrilled you enjoyed Shattered. Hope you have a wonderful New Year!

  17. Sheri says:

    I followed your blog via email and commented earlier.

    Thanks for the chance at the giveaway!!

    hspruitt {at} frontiernet [dot] net

  18. Anna Weaver says:

    Thanks for the giveaway! God bless!


  19. Janet Estridge says:

    Thanks for entering me in your giveaway. I love all those authors and looking forward to winning one of the books.

  20. Sharon Timmer says:

    I have been wanting to read Shattered by Dani Pettry so that would be my choice

  21. Merry says:

    What a wonderful list of books. Thanks for the giveaway. Wishing you a blessed 2014. I am an e mail follower

  22. Lynda says:

    I love your list–I’ve read about a third of them and several are on my list to read soon. Thanks so much for the giveaway! danandlyndaedwards[at]msn[dot]com.

  23. Sonnetta Jones says:

    The only one on your list Iread was Shattered and I absolutely loved it. Actually the whole series was great.


  24. Julie says:

    Such a fun giveaway! I love following your blog.

  25. chris granville says:

    Your list sounds absolutely wonderful
    God bless you
    Chris Granville

  26. faithful acres homestead says:

    I have been following you for quite sometime now. Can’t wait to see who wins !!! We homeschool also…
    Linda Finn
    faithfulacresbooks (@) gmail dot com

  27. Micaela says:

    Those are some great books. Would love to win! 🙂
    ~ Micaela
    bookworm9404 (at) gmail (dot) com

  28. Cindi Altman says:

    Several of your favorite books of 2013 were mine as well. Ü

  29. Nice list. I would be interested in several (especially Shattered). Thank you for sharing your faves and your reviews. I am a follower and subscriber. Have a lovely weekend. KellysShining(at)gmail(dot)com

  30. I’d love to win!

  31. Katie Edgar says:

    I love the idea of this giveaway with letting the winner pick! I have read some of these and some others are now on my TBR pile. Thanks for this opportunity! Katie Edgar katie07edgar[at]gmail[dot]com

  32. Sarah says:

    You have great taste in books! I would love to win any of these books! Thanks for the chance! 😀
    My email:

  33. Just followed your blog…What a great list! I would love to read any book on this list. 🙂

  34. Shirley Blanchard says:

    I would love to win any of the books they look so good, thanks for a chance
    Shirley B

  35. Cheryl Baranski says:

    Cheryl Baranski
    I would so love to win!
    Such a book junkie!
    CherylB1987 AT Hotmail COM

  36. Jamie Gil says:

    My name is Jamie. I’ve read a few of these and really liked them! I’m really wanting to read Mary Lu Tyndall’s newest book! The library hasn’t gotten it yet. 🙂
    ~ egilkinc @ juno . com

  37. Rebecca Maney says:

    I have read quite a few of these and love your choices. I would love to win Lori Benton’s book. It’s high on my “to-read” list already. “Shattered” is another that I look forward to reading. Rebecca Maney

  38. Hello! A fine list of books you have here. All are ones I’ve been wanting, except 4 which I already have. My #1 choice to win here would be MaryLu Tyndall’s” Forsaken Dreams.” I am a follower and live in the USA. Please give me an entry to win one of these books. Thanks. MAXIE

  39. Julie says:

    I haven’t read any of your books, but i’m willing too. Looking for new books to read and review! Have a Blessed day!

  40. lauren bayer says:

    Thank you for the give away, I would love to win!

  41. kaylee says:

    I would love to win books from your list!
    My email:

  42. Danielle Kulogowski says:


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